By experimenting with the Pi camera and PIR at may Raspberry Pi were quickly many images written to the SD card.
In order to get some control, the following Python Script is a good basis.
There is the possibility to specify a directory and the maximum number of files stored in it.
Exceeds the number of files the defined value, older files are deleted.
In my case, I always keep a maximum of 1000 images in the folder.
Sample code:
#!/usr/bin/python import os path = "/home/pi/pictures/" max_Files = 1000 def sorted_ls(path): mtime = lambda f: os.stat(os.path.join(path, f)).st_mtime return list(sorted(os.listdir(path), key=mtime)) del_list = sorted_ls(path)[0:(len(sorted_ls(path))-max_Files)] for dfile in del_list: os.remove(path + dfile)
2 replies on “Python – remove oldest files in a directory, only a defined count of them remains”
Thank you very very much!
genau das was ich gesucht habe. vielen dank!!!!